> about

Hi! Welcome to my blog, which is just a raw collection of my notes – for now.

Just to provide some context: I’m Enrico and I’m an italian born Electronic Engineer. I am sneaking around the world of embedded systems and electronics in general, but also all tech and social improvements. Trying always to tie passion to the job.

That interest in strange and complicated things is almost innate (the interest, not the knowledge). I can remember when I was only 3 years old, noticing how weird is that box, when saw from very close, and how much light is emitting. The mystery was a box called Television and those lights were the pixels of the CRT (did you still have one of those?). I don’t think it was so healthy watching ’90s CRTs so close. But that is for science. “Science isn’t about WHY. It’s about WHY NOT.“, as Cave Johnson said here. And now I wear glasses.

Later on that geek interest narowed into the internal parts of device, namely, the electronics that made them work. So when the time came, I went to the Polytechnic University in Turin. I then discovered that there is a lot of stuff that I will never do at university or work, normally. The “purpose of life” of this blog is just to present what this stuff could be, and to explore my technical and artistic interests. Basically, projects that inspire me, designs that came from heart and not from wallet, studies that make me feel satisfied.

And if everything is made in a good way, maybe all of this translates in something that may become useful to someone, so why not putting in a public blog. But also, knowing that the blog itself is public, is going to be a great motivation to be sure I learn properly the subject, before writing about it. So it is also a very good learning tool.

So after all I’m just trying to optimize my learning experience, since I’m the average guy, who tries to live by splitting his life between hobbies, friends, career and family. Unsuccessfully, of course, unsuccessfully, like an average guy who needs to compromise.



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